About National Cancer Platform
Maltese society continues to support all those touched by cancer.
The people of Malta and Gozo have always shown their solidarity through their donations to the Malta Community Chest Fund Foundation, so that cancer patients are supported by being given specialized chemotherapy. We are forever grateful for this.
Non-government organizations working in the field of cancer can achieve so much by coming together and help ensure holistic and sustainable services for cancer patients and their families. This is precisely the reason for the National Cancer Platform.
This Platform encourages each organization to keep its identity while working together for one aim, that of helping the cancer patient.
The National Cancer Platform

The National Cancer Platform was established on the 3rd Feb 2015 and brings together all the non-government organisatons working in the field of cancer to collaborate together in order to ensure a holistic, co-ordinated and sustainable service for all cancer patients and their loved ones.
Each organisation remains autonomous, keeps its identity and way of working, while providing comprehensive information and support to its members.
Through the Platform, members of organisations that offer support to people effected by cancer and their families, become familiar with the work being carried out by other organisations offering similar, or complementary services. The Platform facilitates exchange of information to the benefit of the service users.
In-National Cancer Platform ġiet stabbilita fit-3 ta' Frar 2015 biex taqqgħat flimkien l-organizzazzjonijiet mhux governattivi, li jaħdmu fil-qasam tal-kanċer. L- organizzazzjonijiet jikkollaboraw flimkien sabiex jiżguraw servizz holistiku u sostenibbli għal pazjenti tal-kanċer u l-familji tagħhom.
Kull organizzazzjoni tibqa awtonoma, iżomm l-identità tagħha u l-mod kif taħdem, filwaqt li tipprovdi nformazzjoni u support lill-membri tagħha.
Permezz tal-platform, il-membri ta’ l-organizzazzjonijiet li joffru appoġġ lil persuni affettwati mill-kanċer u l-familji tagħhom, isiru jafu aktar dwar il-ħidma li qed titwettaq minn organizzazzjonijiet oħra li joffru servizzi simili, jew komplementari. Il-platform tiffaċilità l-iskambju ta’ informazzjoni għall-benefiċċju għal ġid ta’ kullħadd.