The Karl Vella Foundation provides educational and psychological support to children in families disrupted by illness.
Children between the ages of 5 and 17 years will be welcomed at the Karl Vella Foundation Centre located in the President’s Kitchen Garden in Attard, while the family member is either hospitalised or undergoing treatment. To benefit from the support offered by the KVF, children need to be referred by specific entities, by a person on their medical team, or by a professional aware of their circumstances. Teachers, LSAs, psychological professionals and other volunteers will be on hand to organise extracurricular activities, help children with their homework, and also offer psychological assistance where needed. The objective is to maintain a sense of continuity in the children’s routine, in spite of the disruption caused by the health issues faced by the family.
Il-Karl Vella Foundation tipprovdi appoġġ edukattiv u psikoloġiku lil tfal f’familji li ntlaqtu mill-mard u allura għaddejjin minn taqlib mhux mistenni f’ħajjithom.
Fic-Ċentru tal-Karl Vella Foundation li jinsab fil-President’s Kitchen Garden f’Ħ’Attard, nilqgħu tfal ta’ etajiet bejn il-5 snin u 17-il sena, li jiġu referuti għandna minn persuni li jaħdmu fil-qasam tas-saħħa, minn dik l-entita’ li qed toffri appoġġ lil marid, jew minn nies professjonisti li huma konxji bis-sitwazzjoni, fil-perjodu meta l-membru tal-familja jkun l-isptar jew għaddej bil-kura speċjalizzata. L-għan aħħari tal-Karl Vella Foundation hu li toffri kontinwita’ u sens ta’ normalita’ fil-ħajja ta’ dawn it-tfal. Għalhekk il-Fondazzjoni toffri lil dawn it-tfal attivitajiet ko-kurrikulari, għajnuna waqt li jkun qed isir il-homework u, fejn ikun meħtieg, appoġġ psikoloġiku mmexxi minn professjonisti
Karl Vella Foundation Centre
The President’s Kitchen Garden
St Anthony Street
Attard, Malta
Tel: +356 21 237 928